The Supporter of Diligent and Needy Students

The Ways To Help Us

Cash Assistance

Philanthropists can accompany the community by filling out the membership form on a continuous or non-permanent basis. Read More...

Donate The Cost Of The Ceremony

In this way, each family can donate to the charity the cost of organizing their own ceremony(whether servers or mourning). Read More...

Money Box

One of the common ways of collecting donations is install our charity money boxes in public places, businesses, or homes. Read More...

Condolence Stand Order

You can express your sympathy for condolences rather than sending flowers or banners, by oredering condolence boards. Read More...

Non-Cash Assistance

Our Charity always publishes a list of non-cash needs that accompany the honorable benefactors. Read More...

Voluntary Work

Dear benefactors can voluntarily assist in the organization of events, etc that organized by the Charity. Read More...

Help Build OMID KAMAL Educational-Dormitory Complex


Donated by one of the most respected benefactors of the 3,000-square-meter plot of land for the construction of OMID KAMAL Educational-Dormitory Building, it has been designed for use by more than 220 students in five floors of 5,000 square meters, including bedrooms, study rooms, libraries, computer rooms, language labs, meeting rooms, prayer rooms, kitchens, dining rooms, classrooms, toilets and bathrooms.

Fortunately, we were able to begin the construction of the OMID KAMAL Educational-Dormitory Complex in April of 2015. We owe it to the well-wishers of the ambition that have been and are our hope in the manifestation and accomplishment of the Institute.

Building structure is over. now we need your help to continue this big and essetial project for the use of students who are deprived of education.

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Years Of Experience
Students Covered So Far
Benevolent Supporters So Far

Contact Us

Beside 11th Alley, Shahid Beheshti St., Kerman

Cell Phone : 0913-39393949

Phone : 034-32456119

Fax : 034-32459866